Bookmarks for 28th February 2011

These are my links for February 28th:

Bookmarks for 22nd February 2011

These are my links for 22nd February 2011:

Highland Fling

Highland Fling (Capuchin Classics)

author: Nancy Mitford
published: 1920

average rating: 3.33
my rating: 2

Primordial chicklit; incoherent, unfunny and not so much full of Bright Young Things as Unsympathetic Workshy Fops. Some historical interest – the Victorian period was to the characters in this book as the 1960s are to us – but that doesn’t overcome the stilted narrative and dislikeable protagonists. Time may not have been kind to this book – Mitford’s first and probably worst – but I suspect it was never much good. A pity, because I originally intended to read one of her later books but I’m not sure whether to make the effort now.